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Account Admin Guide

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Admin Guide

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Purchasing a subscription for multiple teams at your organization automatically makes you an account admin in our system. You may also be added as an admin by someone else at your company. As an account admin, you have access to tools that allow you to manage certain things at an enterprise level. This guide is designed to give you an overview of the role and how to get started.

Note that if you plan to run Rising Team sessions with your own team, you'll need to be added as a team lead in addition to serving as the account admin. Then you can also use our Team Lead Guide.

Purchasing a subscription for multiple teams at your organization automatically makes you an account admin in our system. You may also be added as an admin by someone else at your company. As an account admin, you have access to tools that allow you to manage certain things at an enterprise level. This guide is designed to give you an overview of the role and how to get started.

Note that if you plan to run Rising Team sessions with your own team, you'll need to be added as a team lead in addition to serving as the account admin. Then you can also use our Team Lead Guide.

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1. Get set up

Identify who you want to include in your subscription

Decide how many and which team leads you'd like to invite to participate. It might be the whole company, an entire department, a manager training cohort, or some other mix of teams. Keep in mind that each team lead can then invite up to 14 team members to participate.

Sign up for a subscription plan

Once you know the size of your organization's participation, purchase a subscription for the total number of people who will need access, both team leads and team members. If your subscription will be larger than 100 people, select “Schedule a call” in the Enterprise plan to discuss enterprise pricing. As part of this sign-up flow, you will be registered as the account admin. Look for an email from hello@risingteam.com with the subject line "Welcome to Rising Team! Subscription and admin access confirmed." (Check your Promotions folder if you don’t see the email.)

Add teams

You can invite your team leads as part of the onboarding when you sign up, or visit your Admin tab later to add team leads to your account. Once you do so, your team leads will receive a welcome email from us with instructions on how to sign up and get started. If you plan to participate as a team lead with your own team, you'll need to invite yourself as a lead for one of these teams. If you need to purchase access for more people at any time, visit the Admin tab for instructions.

Note: if you have a large number of participants, talk to your Rising Team account manager about how to get us the team lead information in bulk.

Add a team to your accountAdd another team
2. Prepare for running sessions

Host a training kickoff

It's a good idea to get your team leads together for a formal kick-off and training session, led by your Rising Team account manager, that walks through how to use the platform. It’s ideal if each of the leads has accepted their Rising Team invite and signed up for their account before this training session. Alternatively, you can share our Team Lead Guide and Facilitator Guide and encourage team leads to follow the steps listed to get started.

Ask team leads to run the baseline engagement survey

ROI is often an important part of new people-related initiatives, so we offer an engagement survey feature to track impact over time. It includes 14 standard employee engagement questions, and also calculates an employee Net Promoter Score. We suggest teams run the survey before they do any Rising Team sessions to baseline where things stand, then re-run it periodically after that. You can encourage team leads to run this baseline survey by going to the Reports tab and selecting "Engagement Survey" as the report type. They’ll see draft email copy and a survey link to send to their teams via email or messaging platform. Make sure they send the survey far enough in advance to send any reminders before their first session. The survey includes a field for “Team” so they will be able to see baseline data for their team.

As an account admin, you have access to see anonymized results via the Reports tab.

Engagement survey results

Manage team access via the Admin tab

Visit your Admin tab to see a list of all the teams in use, add or remove team leads, and view or change the team members working with each team lead. You can also add other people as account admins and view or edit your billing information from this tab.

If you have two or more layers of teams using Rising Team together (managers of managers), we can set up the ability for those managers to see a rollup view of their broader team’s data. To request this custom setup, email us at hello@risingteam.com.

Management Team Access

Consider adding Rising Team to manager goals

One tactic we’ve seen work well is when managers include running their Rising Team sessions as part of their quarterly goals or OKRs. This ensures that they are more likely to run the sessions, and that their leadership chain is supportive of the program. For instance, a team lead with the Objective to “Support and develop my team” could list a Key result as “Run two Rising Team sessions this quarter.” As the account admin, consider recommending or requiring team leads to do this.

3. Begin program & measure success

Use the Reports tab

The Reports tab offers three types of reports to monitor your progress—the Usage Report, The Engagement Report, and the Session summary reports. More detail on each of these below.

Measure usage

As team leads at your company begin using Rising Team, you'll be able to track kit usage via the Kit Usage report in the dropdown on the Reports tab. You can see how many teams have scheduled, completed, and not scheduled each kit, and roll over the number to see which teams. This allows you to follow up with any team leads who are behind in participating to see if they need support.

Measure usage

See anonymized session results

Once team leads start running Rising Team sessions, you'll be able to view session summary reports by team and by kit on the Reports tab, so you can see how individual teams are rating sessions and what types of reflections participants are sharing. Note that the results are anonymized in these reports to keep the data identifiable to just the people who completed the session together. Team leads also have access to the Reports tab for their team. As an admin you’ll receive a weekly email with links to the session summary reports from all teams that have run sessions in the past week.

Learning agility

Monitor engagement and re-run the Engagement Survey

We recommend running the engagement survey once a quarter or so to track your progress. Team leads can run the survey again any time they’d like by going to the Reports tab, choosing “Engagement survey” in the dropdown menu, and then clicking on “Run survey again.” As with the first run of the survey, they will get a draft of the proposed copy and a link they can send out to their teams.

Re-run an engagement survey

Collect anecdotal or other survey feedback periodically

In addition to our in-session surveys and our engagement measurement, you may want to ask participants to share their experience with you using whatever format you prefer: a group meeting, an anonymous survey, or a simple email.

4. Other tips

Share feedback and get help

We're easy to reach, and we're here to help! Email us any questions at hello@risingteam.com or join the Huddle, our private Slack community that's built for managers using Rising Team. We are very interested to learn about your experience on the platform as an account admin. We welcome your feedback and feature requests for things that would improve Rising Team for your organization.

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