April 17, 2023

Jumbo Kits for Enhanced Group Connection and Learning

Jumbo Kits for Enhanced Group Connection and Learning

Product Update 

Rising Team Launches Innovative Jumbo Kits for Enhanced Group Connection and Learning

Rising Team has expanded its team development solutions with a new offering: Jumbo Kits, designed to facilitate dynamic group learning experiences. These kits are tailored for gatherings of up to 1,000 participants, and sets the stage for interactive group connections infused with a blend of learning and fun. Ideal for team offsites, workshops, and conferences, Rising Team's Jumbo Kits offers an immersive platform to amplify teamwork and create lively interactions.

The two Jumbo Kits currently available include: 

  • Motivators, which delves into the science of motivation and its pivotal role in achieving collective and individual goals. 
  • Resilience - which empowers teams to fortify themselves against challenges and setbacks. 

In a compact timeframe of 45 minutes to an hour, Jumbo Kits usher in a new era of impactful and enjoyable team learning on a grand scale for today’s professional environments.

To learn more about Jumbo Kits, contact our team for a demo here.

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